When your computer tells you to “Enter Your Administrator Password or Power on Password” there are two different ways you can fix the problem:
Fix #1: Reset your BIOS by removing the CMOS battery
This fix makes the computer forget that it was asking you for a password. It’s much easier to carry out on a desktop computer than a laptop computer.
- Turn off your computer and unplug it. For laptops make sure you remove the battery as well.
- Open the computer and look inside to find the small silver CMOS battery. It’s about the size of a quarter.
- Remove the battery.
- With the battery removed and the computer unplugged press and hold the power button for about twenty seconds. This will make sure there is absolutely no power left in your computer.
- If there is a jumper near the battery labeled something like “CMOS” then remove it, wait twenty seconds, then put it back the way it was.
- Put the CMOS battery back in. Close up your computer.
- Plug your computer back in and turn it on.
You might get a message telling you that your settings were reset. Just select “OK” or “continue”. The computer should now startup normally. Problem solved!
Fix #2: Reset the password using unofficial utility (WARNING!)
If you do not feel comfortable opening your computer to go searching for the CMOS battery (especially an issue with laptops) there is an unofficial utility floating around on the internet that will give you a “master” password to enter and unlock your computer.
WARNING: This utility is not made by HP. It’s not made by me. You use it at your own risk. I am simply linking you to the website for information purposes.
There is a blog called “Dogbert’s Blog” that has a program you can download for your desktop or laptop. This program will allow you to generate a master password in order to unlock your computer. You need to download the program onto a second computer since yours is locked. Go to Dogbert’s Blog, find your computer through serial number, download the proper program and follow the instructions.
Good luck! If anyone has other fixes please share them in the comments.